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Past Projects

A collection of past projects demonstrating the range and diversity of work completed.

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Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada: Inaugural Strategic Plan - 2016

Casey researched and wrote the inaugural five-year start-up organizational strategy (2016-2021) for a new non-profit organization focusing on the support of marketing and development of Indigenous tourism in Canada.

This process included developing vision, mission, and guiding principles for the organization through engagement with the ITAC Board of Directors and industry partners. The planning process included a thorough SWOT analysis and reflected extensive research into Indigenous tourism in Canada and the identified opportunities and challenges. While on contract with ITAC, Casey also developed and delivered a new annual grant funding program for Indigenous tourism businesses designing an intake process, an applicant review procedure and a grant recipient communication process to track projects and impact for reporting.
Expertise Developed: Start-Up of Indigenous Not-For-Profit Organization – Strategic Planning – Program and Partnership Development – Research

Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada: National Guidelines - 2018

The Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada produced a guide for Indigenous tourism experiences in Canada. Casey oversaw the update of the guide to improve the flow and usability of the guide for the reader and to include updated case studies and industry research. The intent of this guide is to inspire excellence in Indigenous cultural tourism experiences across Canada. These National guidelines are a tool to help Indigenous businesses develop and deliver a “market ready” and authentic Indigenous tourism product. The guide contains information, checklists and best practices. A self-assessment using this guide assists businesses to develop, deliver, and price an authentic Indigenous tourism experience.

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Enoch Cree Nation / Indigenous Tourism Alberta: Community Tourism Planning Workshop - 2019

Casey was contracted by Indigenous Tourism Alberta (ITA) as their Strategic Planner and worked with Enoch Cree Nation to develop a guidebook toolkit and deliver a pilot workshop on community-based Indigenous tourism planning. This workshop educated the participants on Indigenous tourism, assessed their ‘readiness’ for tourism, engaged with key community representatives and discussed opportunities and challenges of tourism for their community. 

While contracted by ITA, Casey also wrote their expanded business plan documents for marketing, partnerships, and corporate communications. Casey worked with the ITA Exec. Director to produce the Indigenous Tourism Product Development Project in partnership with Indigenous Services Canada and supported by the Director General Investment Committee.
Expertise: Research - Business Planning - Opportunity Analysis - Leadership - Data Collection & Analysis

Alexander First Nation: Community Tourism Plan - 2021

Casey developed a Community Tourism Plan for Alexander First Nation (AFN) contracted by Many Chief Consulting. The plan provides a framework or a guide for local business, community leadership, community agencies and other community organizations to review tourism opportunities, challenges and to consider tourism development and promotion prospects.

The Indigenous community tourism planning process used in this project is designed to help Indigenous community leaders recognize and develop opportunities and benefits from tourism. The plan included:

  1. Long-term vision and values for tourism in AFN.

  2. Tourism Market Research

  3. Tourism Strategic Approach

  4. Destination Development

  5. Product & Experience Development

  6. Promotional Strategies

  7. Prioritized recommended actions

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Squamish Lil'wat Cultural Centre: Leadership, Operations & Business Sustainability Planning - 2014

Casey was contracted for four years as the Executive Director of the award-winning Indigenous community-owned cultural centre and museum in Whistler, BC directing all business planning and operational aspects of this $33 million cultural facility and tourism attraction. Responsibilities included strategically redesigning the business model resulting in significantly improved gross revenues and a reduction of its annual net deficit by over $1 million creating a sustainable financial and operational framework. Casey researched, planned, and delivered new business growth opportunities and produced new operating schedules & budgets, partner agreements, marketing & sales programs, capital plans and reported directly to the Board of Directors. Casey also led the growth of the Indigenous Youth Ambassador (IYA) Program at the SLCC which is an experience-based culture and tourism training program for Indigenous young adults that teaches the foundations of delivering various forms of authentic Indigenous tourism experiences as an ambassador of their community and their Indigenous culture.

Tourism Whistler: Whistler Media House - 2010 Olympic Winter Games

As the Director of Communications for Tourism Whistler, Casey's largest project was to direct all aspects of the Whistler Media House for the 2010 Winter Games. Casey successfully designed and delivered a multi-faceted media relations program attracting 1,100+ registered clients, over 12 media partners & multiple sponsors. The project also included Casey directing all facility operations including the operations schedule and budget, partner agreements, technical infrastructure, capital plans and client/event rental space.

LINK to view summary video of the project produced by Tourism Whistler.

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Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment: Closing of Maple Leaf Gardens & Opening of Air Canada Centre - 1999

While employed by Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment for 15 years, the single biggest project was the planning and execution of the closing of Maple Leaf Gardens and the opening of Air Canada Centre in 1999. Casey's role was twofold: 1) In-game entertainment for both facilities including scoreboard content programming and sponsor promotions and 2) Team operations including the move of all team offices and player & coach dressing rooms and facilities.

These historic events involved months of planning, partnerships and collaboration with team officials, suppliers and contracted services to execute on two events witnessed live by 20,000 and televised to millions of viewers.

Awards & Achievements

SLCC Dedication of Welcome Figure - Whis

Welcome Figure Ceremony

Whistler - Jan. 2013

On behalf of the Squamish Lil'wat Cultural Centre, planning, funding, installation and ceremony in partnership with Regional Municipality of Whistler. One of two welcome figures installed in the village. 

Contact  /  Ph. 604-932-5236

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Website Copyright - Casey Vanden Heuvel - 2021

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